Saturday 25 August 2012

Why buy Silver metal coins

The stock market today are very volatile. Each day, a simple information can change the direction of the market and it is difficult to know their direction. For some time, I am interested in precious metals markets, the more Silver than gold. Silver is more accessible and has greater profit potential. With everything that is happening in the world, or possible bankruptcy of greece, the financial problem of spain and italy and the return of a possible default of payment obligations in the U.S., a weak economy enjoyed and debt grandiose country, I do not see a good side to the new economic future. Certainly the government is trying the best revive the economy, but how does he. It does not reduce spending enough. To revive the economy, we lower interest rates louse that people buy more. Rates are already on the floor. Injeter and print paper money will create a devaluation of the purchasing power. For these raions, I'm interrested in silver. I think this is the best investment currently. Demance for the metal is increasing and reserves are dese lower.  Some research I've done shows a depletion of resources in the 15 to 20 years ahead. Furthermore, when you own physical silver, you can touch it and see. It is not virtual. Here is a link that I put on a recent analysis of the silver.

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